LA History & Metro Studies Group
“Immigrants and the Metropolis”
2018 Schedule
January 23, 2018 – pre-circulated paper (Autry National Center)
“Place-makers and Place-making: The Story of a Los Angeles Community.”
Natalia Molina, Professor of History, UC San Diego
** Tuesday 7:00 p.m., Autry National Center - Joint session with Works in Progress, Autry.
February 16, 2018 – pre-circulated paper (Seaver 1-2)
“Beautiful Junk: Assemblage, Black Rebellion, and the Watts Towers in the 1960s.”
Emma Silverman, Ph.D. Candidate, Art History, University of California, Berkeley
March 16, 2018 -- pre-circulated paper (Seaver 1-2)
“Constructing ‘Country Living’ in the Suburbs: How Homebuilders and Boosters Branded Los Angeles' East San Gabriel Valley, 1970-2000.”
James Zarsadiaz, Assistant Professor of History and Director of the Yuchengco Philippine Studies Program, University of San Francisco
April 20, 2018 – Clark Davis Memorial Lecture (Seaver 1-2)
“Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and America.”
Steven J. Ross, Professor of History, University of Southern California
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All sessions will begin at 10:30 am in the Seaver Classrooms in the Munger Research Center, Huntington Library, unless otherwise noted. Please check e-announcements for exact location of sessions. Parking is free. Workshops will begin at 10:30, and lunch will be served at noon for attendees who RSVP before the posted deadline.
For seminars with a pre-circulated paper, the paper will be made available approximately 2 weeks prior to the seminar (we are unable to distribute papers earlier than this). At that time, you can access the paper via a link posted on the ICW website at http://dornsife.usc.edu/icw/lahistorymetro/. The link will also be circulated in the email announcement for each session. We request that participants read the papers if attending.
If you would like to receive announcements for these sessions, please fill out the form at http://tinyurl.com/LAMetroList.
For more information, email the co-coordinators—Ian Baldwin, Kathy Feeley, Caitlin Parker, Andrea Thabet, and Becky Nicolaides—at LA.History.Group@gmail.com.
The LA History & Metro Studies Group is generously sponsored by
the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West (ICW)
** Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/LAHistoryMetroStudiesGroup **