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  • 21 Feb 2025 7:16 PM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    The Seventeenth Conference of the European Association for Urban History (EAUH) will be held in Barcelona from Wednesday 2 September to Saturday 5 September 2026.

    The central theme of the conference is ‘City Networks in Europe and Beyond’, although it covers all themes, periods and regions within urban history. City networks have been of as much strategic significance in the past as they are in the present. Although the history of Europe is often identified with states and nations, it is largely the history of its networked cities. This is clearly evident in Barcelona, a major medieval centre in the Mediterranean, which also took the lead in the great leap forward of the industrial age, with crucial links to other cities, and that regained this role in post-Franco period.

    Cities and interurban links have contributed as much or more than states to the shaping of Europe and its reach beyond the continent, particularly in terms of colonial relations. The concept of network has become widespread in many disciplines and can create meaningful relationships between the past and the present of Europe and the wider world.

    With its focus on cities and the networked urban world, the Seventeenth EAUH Conference also aims to foster cross-fertilisation between history, geography and other social and environmental sciences, all of which are critical sources of knowledge for the preservation of contemporary democratic culture.

    EAUH 2026 is hosted by the Facultat de Geografia i Història, University of Barcelona (UB), the Vallès School of Architecture (ESTAV) and the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB).

    See HERE for full details. 

  • 21 Jan 2025 11:22 AM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    The Princeton Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities is an interdisciplinary program that combines the efforts of a diverse group of faculty, programs, and schools to develop a dynamic understanding of urban issues past, present, and future. Its theme, Cities on the Edge, encompasses several interrelated concepts, including the juncture of built/natural environmental studies, center/ periphery, hemispheric comparatives, migration, New Jersey urbanism, social justice, the humanities as a force of change, and the margin as a place of radical possibility. Additional information about its themes and program may be found at

    We seek to hire fellows with an abiding interest in multi-disciplinary work focused on the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and the humanities. Candidates can come from any discipline. They may be academics, designers, and/or practicing writers or artists. The individual may teach or team-teach an interdisciplinary course on some aspect of urbanism (contingent upon sufficient enrollments and approval from the Dean of the Faculty) and participate in Initiative events.

    Deadline: February 17, 2025

  • 21 Jan 2025 11:21 AM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    Assistant or Associate Professor, Historic Preservation, Public History of the Built Environment, University of Pennsylvania
    Stuart Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania

    The Department of Historic Preservation at the Stuart Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania, welcomes applications for an Assistant or Associate Professor to conduct graduate-level instruction, advising, and research in historic preservation. We especially seek scholars who have both 1) research and teaching experience related to the public history of the built environment, ideally with a specific emphasis on social and/or environmental justice, and 2) heritage-based professional practice. Review of applications will begin February 15, 2025. The complete position description and application information can be found here:

  • 07 Jan 2025 4:30 PM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    The Editorial Board of the Metropolitan Museum Journal is pleased to announce volume 59 (2024), available via the Journal's home page on the University of Chicago Press website.


    Women at the Altar of Jesus's Tomb in the Anastasis

    Ally Kateusz

    The Architecture of "Playe": Henry Hamlyn’s House in Tudor Exeter 

    Melanie Holcomb

    Ottoman Tastemaker Robert-Sadia Pardo and a Sixteenth-Century Prayer Rug in The Met

    Ayşe AldemIr

    Wood and Stone: Bernard Palissy’s Environmental Legacy

    Kelly Presutti

    Oysters, Sauerkraut, and Pagods: Sibylla Augusta’s Chinese Banquet of 1729

    Kristel Smentek and Christian Katschmanowski

    For the Devotion of Juan Bautista de Echeverría: Piety and Identity in Paintings by Nicolás Enríquez

    Ronda Kasl

    Imperial Threads: Kashmiri Shawls in Nineteenth-Century Iran

    Nader Sayadi



    Julius Caesar from the Heroes Tapestries at The Met Cloisters: Dye Analysis and Molecular Insights

    Rachel M. Lackner, Shirin Fozi, Kisook Suh


    With best wishes on behalf of the Metropolitan Museum Journal editorial board,

    Elizabeth Block, PhD

    Senior editor

    Publications and Editorial department

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


    Working on an article?


    Submission guidelines: Deadline: September 15, 2025

    Please send materials to:

    Inspiration from the Collection


  • 06 Jan 2025 4:28 PM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    We are pleased to share that applications are open for the 2025-2026 Northwestern University Transportation Library Travel Grant. Grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded to fund research visits scheduled between September 1, 2025 and August 1, 2026. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2025.


    About the Transportation Library

    The Northwestern University Transportation Library holds one of the largest transportation research collections in the world, covering all modes of transportation including aviation, rail, highway, public transit, and pedestrian and bicycle transportation. In addition to our technical collections that support research on current transportation issues, the library maintains special and archival collections such as timetables, passenger ephemera, and rare books and journals. It also holds a substantial collection of mid-19th to early 21st century transportation annual reports, and one of the most complete U.S. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) collections in existence.

    This research grant was established in 2021 to facilitate and support research projects that significantly benefit from substantial onsite use of the Transportation Library’s unique technical, special, and archival collections.


    • Each year we will award one or more grants, up to a total of $3,000. We reserve the right to award only a portion of the requested amount.
    • Grants will be awarded to reimburse expenses for transportation, accommodations, and meals for one or more on-site visits to Northwestern University Libraries. 


    • Open to academic and independent researchers. We encourage applications by those working in traditional academic practice as well as those whose research is interdisciplinary, or oriented towards creative arts and practices.
    • There are no restrictions as to the applicant’s nationality or academic status.
    • Research may be in any field supported by the collections of the Transportation Library.
    • At the discretion of the selection committee and Northwestern University Libraries, the grant may be awarded to an individual applicant, a team, or divided among multiple applicants and/or teams. Further, if a suitable recipient is not identified among the applications received, we reserve the right to withhold the grant for that particular year.
    • Applicants who are not awarded the grant in a specific year may resubmit proposals in following years without prejudice.
    • An applicant may receive only one award for any one project as determined by the selection committee and Northwestern Libraries.
    • Researchers affiliated with Northwestern University will not be considered for this travel grant.

    How to apply

    To apply, please submit the following:

    ·          A project proposal (1,200 words max) that:

    o     Describes the proposed research

    o     Explains the significance of the collection materials to the project

    o     Proposes specific outcomes (e.g., dissertation, article, book, creative or artistic work) that will result from this research

    ·          A curriculum vitae

    ·          A detailed budget indicating the total amount requested with itemized list of projected expenses for transportation, accommodations and meals. For meals and incidentals, applicants should use the U.S. General Services Administration Per Diem Rates for Meals & Incidentals (M&IE) for Chicago. Applicants should indicate any other sources of funding that will be applied to the project, if applicable. For additional information on planning a budget, see allowable expenses and Out-of-Town Visitor Resources.

    ·          Applicants should arrange for one (1) letter of recommendation from someone qualified to judge the quality, feasibility, and significance of the proposal and the qualifications of the applicant to successfully complete the project to be sent in support of their proposed project. Those writing recommendations should submit their letters directly to

    Applicants should submit the research description, curriculum vitae, and budget by e-mail attachment (PDF format) to

    Please note: The selection committee is unable to provide feedback with regard to unsuccessful applications.


    • All grant awardees will be required to submit receipts for expenses incurred and will be reimbursed, in accordance with Northwestern University policies. For meals and incidentals, we require that recipients use the U.S. General Services Administration Per Diem Rates for Meals &Incidentals (M&IE) instead of itemized receipts. Reimbursement requests must be made within 30 days of last day of visit.
    • Grant awardees must conduct their research visit within the academic year following the grant being awarded (between September 1st and August 1st).
    • Upon completion of the research, grant awardees will be required to submit a brief report [1-2 pages] summarizing the use of the collection(s) and how the visit benefited their research to




  • 27 Dec 2024 4:48 PM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    The Urban Humanities Network (UHN) is excited to announce and invite you to a weekend of intellectual collaboration, community building, and shared meals in St. Louis, Missouri on October 16-18, 2025.

    Building on the success of the inaugural 
    (Un)Conference 1 in Tucson, Arizona, in March 2023, we will continue navigating toward the future of urban humanities in St. Louis at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) for the (Un)Conference 2! Wash U is proud to host the upcoming convening and is excited to share the areas in which they have cultivated focused efforts toward urban and public humanities scholarship and practice. 

    We warmly invite Letters of Interest (LOI) for participation in (Un)Conference 2. We invite submissions showcasing work situated at the intersections, edges, and territories of design, urban studies, and the humanities.  Please visit our and the attached call for proposals (CFP) for more details.

    The deadline to submit a Letter of Intent is January 31, 2025.

    Sign up for updates to stay in touch as we make our way together to St. Louis in 2025!

  • 13 Dec 2024 9:20 AM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    The Environmental Design Archives (EDA) is pleased to offer two short-term research fellowships to support scholars conducting interdisciplinary and innovative research on-site at the EDA, located within the College of Environmental Design in Berkeley, California.

    See HERE for full details. 

    Deadline: March 3, 2025

  • 30 Oct 2024 4:37 PM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    Open Cultural Studies - an open access journal published by De Gruyter ( - invites applications for Section Editors for the Architecture and Urban Studies section.

    Main responsibilities:

    - handling the evaluation process of assigned manuscripts

    - playing an active role in the development of the journal


    - Ph.D. in relevant discipline

    - good command of English

    - enthusiasm and punctuality

    The position requires occasional work and is not remunerated.

    Applications, including CV and a cover letter, will be collected by Managing Editor of the journal Dr. Katarzyna Tempczyk ( until November 30, 2024.

    In the subject of the e-mail, please enter: application / Section Editor [title of the section] / Open Cultural Studies / [your name]

    Find us on Facebook:

  • 28 Oct 2024 4:30 PM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    The Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan invites applications for the Fishman Fellowship, established by and named in honor of Professor Emeritus Robert Fishman. 

    This fellowship is open to individuals who are in the process of completing or have recently completed a Ph.D., a professional degree in architecture or urban planning, a research-oriented post-professional master’s degree, or a research-focused master’s degree. Potential fields of study include architecture, urban design, urban planning, urban history, urban policy, urban affairs, racial and spatial justice, urban development, environmental planning, and urban strategy

    The ideal candidate should be engaged in a significant interdisciplinary research project in urbanism, broadly defined, and should have a research focus that would benefit from a two-year fellowship among colleagues and students actively exploring the history, theory, and practice of urbanism.

    The Fishman Fellowship provides an opportunity for early-career scholars and practitioners in urbanism to develop a project that could take the form of a publication, exhibition, or symposium. Fellows will spend two years in residence, during which they will engage in teaching responsibilities while pursuing their research project. The fellowship offers resources for project development, opportunities to collaborate with scholars and researchers across the broader university community, and a platform to present the fellowship outcomes at a public event hosted by the college.

    Taubman College is committed to advancing architectural and urban planning education through diverse epistemologies, experiences, histories, methodologies, and technical and conceptual competencies. The ideal candidate will be intellectually open to the various forms of urbanism taught at Taubman College and enthusiastic about the opportunity to teach students in architecture, urban design, urban technology, and/or planning.

    For full details and to apply, visit

    Deadline: December 9, 2024

  • 30 Sep 2024 8:05 AM | Daniela Sheinin (Administrator)

    The UHA invites submissions for our 11th biennial conference, Metropolitan Majorities in Los Angeles, California! 

    We welcome full session and individual paper proposals on any aspect of urban, suburban, and metropolitan history in the United States and globally.

    See our CFP HERE

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